Having chosen Frankfurt as Starkkraft’s headquarters in Germany is a decision of strategic relevance. Our amassed finance industry experience and profound expertise in this sectors‘ quality engineering and software testing, developed into proven tailored QA and business consultancy solutions. Combined with he individual in-depth experiences of our consultants and experts, Starkkraft has become a trusted partner for companies in the banking and insurance market. Where better than to offer these to the market than in Frankfurt am Main. The rising finance capital of Europe.

Our Finance team leverages our proven building blocks to create specific and tailor made banking and insurance solutions. They understand the financial sector business processes and have vast experience in streamlining, executing and optimising QA processes under pressure.



Across the globe financial institutions have a ‘digital-transformation driven’ need to create their digital alter ego’s. Competition is arising and reputations are at stake, we live in very dynamic financial times. And all that driven and enabled by IT. Revolutionary changes of customer demands force to move quickly. Banks are increasingly aware that digital transformation directly influences their top and bottom line. In banking, unchanged, reputation and trust are key. This translates into seamless digital applications and correct and secure data. Our services are fully focussed on supporting the Quality Assurance of banking functionalities and our Banking team is eager to support, grow and is constantly looking for opportunities to put our relevancy to the test.



Digital transformation was long hold back in the insurance sector. But today exceptional competitive and changing market makes insurers catch up the digital transformation of their businesses. Developing digital twins, new products and new ways to take care of and manage customers. Evolving technologies enable insurers to reduce operational costs and improve their bottom line. To address just that, Starkkraft’s Insurance QA Engineering Team utilises its specialised solutions and methodologies for ensuring Quality Assurance.

Starkkraft has a vast project experience in the insurance industry and offers QA services based on a thorough understanding of the legislative demands across all areas of the Insurance business sector.


Erfolgreiches Last & Performance Testing für ein Welt an Funktionalitäten

Mit über 300.000 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern ist die Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe der größte gewerbliche Arbeitgeber und Ausbilder in Deutschland. Die rund 385 Sparkassen sind das größte Standbein.


Innovative credit card development Go-Live for First Data

Enabling the go-live and further development of an innovative VISA Simply-One credit card with a Swedish bank. A smooth transition to the production environment. Assuring the right end customer quality, managing the regulatory requirement Managing and executing a high-risk endeavour within a highly regulated financial market.


Innovative Fin-Tech solution for Commerzbank

Enabling Commerzbank to put an innovative Fintech solution into production. Complete set up and run of the test management and all conduct of test execution. Highly volatile requirements and extremely limited time to market. Securing the highest quality possible, and rolled-out according to plan. more…


Portfolio project management with 3DS2, PSD2 and RbA deadlines

Die equensWorldline SE ist ein Zahlungsabwicklungsanbieter mit Hauptsitz in Utrecht, Niedelrande. Im November 2015 gaben die Konkurrenten Equens und Worldline die Zusammenlegung des Großteils von Equens’ Aktivitäten mit den vergleichbaren Zahlungstätigkeiten von Worldline bekannt; die weiter bestehende Worldline hält 63 % an dem neuen Unternehmen.


PSD2, two factor authorization and device binding for a German Bank

This Bank is one of the largest banks in Germany in terms of total assets and number of employees. The company is headquartered in Frankfurt am Main and operates as a universal bank with major branches in London, New York City, Singapore, Hong Kong and Sydney. 43,000 people worked for the bank in Germany in 2017 and 97,000 worldwide.


...all that is happening around the Starkkraft Universe...



Die von “Über den Tellerrand” zur Verfügung gestellten Köche haben uns nicht nur deren Lieblingsgerichte verraten, aber uns auch gelernt wie wir diese zusammen zubereiten können. Während dem herrlichen und herzlichen Abendessen sind viele persönliche Geschichten erzählt worden und neue Freundschaften konnten beginnen.


‘Try Hard & Have Fun’ mitten im Finanzielle Herzen Frankfurts…

Mit der konkreten Umsetzung des Firmenmotto “Try Hard and Have Fun” feiert unser multikultureller Team von junge und dynamische IT-Consultants und Experten der Start deren Frankfurter Business Unit. Starkkraft technologies nimmt hiermit die erste Schritte in Richtung das erobern einen relevanten Platz in die Herzen der Frankfurter IT-Talenten und Top-Unternehmen.


Wickelbodies für das Kinderklinikum Höchst

Gemeinsam mit Kunden und Partners stärkt und treibt Starkkraft technologies den Aufbau der Communities voran, in denen wir in Frankfurt leben und arbeiten. Entwerfen, Planen, Vorbereiten und Ausführen von ‘Acts of Care & Kindness’. Ohne Vorurteile, unabhängig von Geschlecht, Religion, ethnischer Zugehörigkeit, Alter, Status …


Global challenges… why planting trees?

There are a many mayor global challenges. And they all deserve support and attention. Starkkraft is delivering on its intent to support the planting of trees in area’s where this is needed most. There are many reasons behind this specific choice…


The finance transformation

Across the globe financial institutions have a ‘digital-transformation driven’ need to create their digital alter ego’s. Competition is arising and reputations are at stake, we live in very dynamic financial times. And all that driven and enabled by IT. Revolutionary changes of customer demands force to move quickly…


Helping German National Woman Handball Team

Helping the German national women handball team with Virtual Reality and 360 degree video training support and sport analysis services. Leveraging innovative technology to strengthen the results of professional players and offering maximum near real-life review experiences.

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